A “skin pinch” is an advanced facial surgery to resolve crepey skin beneath and around the eyes. A skin pinch procedure involves removing the excess sagging skin beneath the eyes in a procedure geared to preserve the delicate undereye structure.
How is a skin pinch performed?
If you feel that the condition of your eyes gives you an older, less vital appearance, you may be a good candidate for this personalized surgery. It is performed under local anesthesia and takes about one hour to complete. The excess, crepey skin beneath your eyes is “pinched” with a surgical tool, with the excess trimmed away. The very small incisions are then closed with ultra-fine, dissolvable sutures. A skin pinch can be performed in conjunction with upper eyelid surgery to create a more comprehensive level of facial revitalization.
What are the benefits of skin pinch surgery?
Many patients who come to Dr. Leong want to look younger, and it is no secret that sagging undereye skin reveals your age. The benefits of skin pinch surgery include:
- Safe procedure
- Fast to perform
- Results appear very natural
- No need for general anesthesia
- Smooths away crepey undereye skin
- Short recovery time
- Leaves you looking younger and well-rested

Am I a candidate for a skin pinch?
If you are unhappy to see sagging, crepey skin beneath your eyes, you may be a candidate for this custom-tailored aesthetic eye surgery. You should be in good general health and not suffering from a serious medical condition, illness, or infection. This procedure creates a significant improvement in overall facial appearance. Expect compliments about how well-rested you appear – your face will not look “worked-on” when performed by Dr. Leong at Leong Facial Plastic Surgery.
What is the recovery from skin pinch surgery?
The recovery is easy to experience, requiring about five days to a week, or a few days longer. You can expect some minor swelling and bruising, which fades quickly. Skin pinch may be in conjunction with upper eyelid surgery. The combination of procedures may require a few more days of recovery to heal fully. During this period, you will need to sleep with your head elevated, and wear dark sunglasses when venturing out.
Am I a candidate for skin pinch surgery?
If you have an abundance of crepey skin beneath your eyes without an excess of undereye fat, you are likely a good candidate for this transformational surgery. After you have fully healed, the difference in your appearance can be significant. The goal is to remove the excess crepey skin and smooth away the signs of aging skin appearing beneath your eyes.
Only the excess skin is removed, leaving the rest of your undereye structure intact. If you are in good general health and do not have any conditions that could negatively affect the outcome, you are likely a good candidate for a skin pinch procedure.
Now Serving Morgantown
Dr. Paul Leong is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon specializing exclusively in aesthetic facial plastic surgery. With an international reputation for the quality of his skin pinch surgery, Dr. Leong’s practice has a regional scope, drawing patients from well beyond Pittsburgh. To better serve his patients in the region, Dr. Leong has expanded with an additional office in Morgantown, WV.