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Facial aging is a combination of sagging, wrinkling and volume loss that occurs not only in the face, but also in the neck. Gravity, environmental factors, sun damage and poor genes may all play a role in diminishing the appearance of your neck, causing self-consciousness and a poor self-image. With a neck lift, Dr. Leong in Morgantown WV can restore a more youthful aesthetic, removing excess skin and restoring a tight, firm skin tone.

What is a neck lift?

The neck lift is performed using several different techniques at once. The first is called platysmaplasty, which tightens the neck tissues and underlying neck muscles. Excess fat is then removed with cervicoplasty. Liposuction may also be used to slim the neck. Dr. Leong will create a personalized action plan at the time of your private Morgantown WV consultation so that you are fully informed and educated regarding the ins and outs of your procedure. Your end results will be highly natural, and will complement any procedures you have undergone to enhance youthfulness in the face. A neck lift is an excellent complement to a facelift, a brow lift, blepharoplasty or lip augmentation.

What are the advantages of a neck lift?

  • helps tighten loose skin
  • helps reduce a double chin
  • removes neck banding
  • a more refined, sculpted profile
  • improved self-confidence
  • eradication of the “turkey-neck”

Who makes a good candidate for a neck lift in Morgantown WV?

Good candidates for neck surgery are struggling with excess submental fat, a poorly defined jawline, banding and sagging in the neck, as well as general wrinkles and creases that lower their self-image. They have tried non-surgical methods along with dieting and exercise, and have found that a surgical intervention is the best solution for their cosmetic goals. Patients considering surgery should be non-smokers of sound mind and body who have realistic expectations for what a neck lift can achieve.

What can I expect from my recovery?

Swelling from neck surgery tends to last several weeks and can be improved by wearing a compression garment. Dr. Leong will provide you with pain medication prescriptions and a detailed aftercare plan for your recovery. You will most likely be able to return to work within about 10-14 days. Be careful to avoid putting undue pressure or stress on the neck as you heal.

Why choose Dr. Leong for a neck lift procedure?

The neck is a delicate area and requires the touch of a gifted facial surgeon with extensive training. Dr. Leong has devoted his Morgantown WV practice to the face and neck, and is double board certified in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery as well as Otolarynology (Head and Neck Surgery). His conservative, precision-based approach yields beautifully natural results that are finely tailored to the client’s wishes.

Dr. Leong is often chosen for his skill and results, but is also sought out for his compassionate demeanor and willingness to listen carefully during consultation and not rush the patient. Clients in Morgantown WV and beyond will find Dr. Leong cares deeply about everyone who walks through his door and follows up long after the patient has been discharged.

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